On March 10, 2016, Acceleratio helped the Dutch embassy, Green Alliance and ING to organise an event in London for CFOs, group treasurers and other financial decision makers on the implications of moving towards circular business models and the impact of the circular economy on their financials.
Given the increased focus on circular business models, the Dutch embassy, Green Alliance and ING want to use the momentum of the Dutch EU presidency to discuss how the financial sector can support corporates in adopting a circular approach to business.
This is the first event in London specifically organised to network with CFOs, group treasurers and other financial decision makers on what the implications are of moving towards circular business models and to share insight on how the circular economy is impacting their financials.
Even though participation at this event is now closed, we will share insights and publications from the event and further on this key topic with you here on the web, via LinkedIn and Twitter.
The programme
- Welcome by Mr. Simon Smits, Dutch Ambassador in the UK.
The following speakers will share their experiences on the financial aspects of their circular transition and discuss how financing can play a supporting role in this: - Circular economy: necessary next step in developing sustainable growth business models; keynote by prof. Jan Peter Balkenende Ph.D., partner Corporate Responsibility at EY, former PM of the Netherlands
- Circular business models: Mr. Justin Keeble, managing director at Accenture
- The private equity perspective on circular economy: Mr. Jamie Butterworth, partner at Circularity Capital
- Making circular economy actionable in the corporate world: Mrs. Ulrike Sapiro, director of Sustainability at The Coca-Cola Company
- The story of a (starting) SME: Mr. Martijn Lopes Cardozo, CEO at Black Bear Carbon
- ING’s view on financing the circular economy: Mr. Christopher Steane, global head Lending Services at ING Wholesale Banking.
Circular economy challenges financial business models
In ING’s view, the circular economy is the ultimate answer to solving the problem of the depletion and economic scarcity of resources.
“The present model of economic growth is running up against the limits of our planet’s ability to provide everything we need,” says Koos Timmermans, vice chairman of ING. “Companies are increasingly looking at the entire lifecycle of their products, and the resources used in them, in order to decouple growth from resource use. This is where the circular economy comes in, which is about going from ‘take, make and waste’ to ‘reduce, reuse and recycle’.” ING is taking steps to apply the circular economy principles and is investigating how it can translate these effectively into viable customer solutions.
Acceleratio has co-developed and co-moderated the programme